Fire Safety Educational Materials

All materials matching "Friendly Firefighters"

NFSC educational materials & programs are available exclusively through U.S. fire departments who provide them free of charge to the citizens of their community.

If your local fire department doesn’t provide NFSC materials, encourage them to visit, and contact us to learn how to partner with NFSC.

199F: Tips for Fire Safety

199F: Tips for Fire Safety

4-Fold Brochure Measures: 6" x 6"Learning to Stay Safe From Fire Can be Fun!This folder is a great addition to any fire and burn prevention and life safety program. Designed to help develop early understanding of simple fire safety concepts. Features a variety of...

200F: Fire Safety Rules!

200F: Fire Safety Rules!

8-Page Activity Book Measures: 11" x 8½"Early Reader Activity BookThe 'Fire Safety Rules!' activity book is designed to help develop early understanding about fire and burn prevention and life safety. Contains simple age-appropriate activities and word recognition....

210F: ‘Bee’ Fire Safety Smart!

210F: ‘Bee’ Fire Safety Smart!

8-Page Activity Book Measures:  8½" x 11"Stop Fires Before They Start!For the Early Reader This fun-filled, magazine-style activity book features an assortment of games, puzzles, coloring activities and more to help early readers learn important fire prevention rules...

215F: Our Friendly Firefighters

215F: Our Friendly Firefighters

Half Colorsheet Measures: 5½" x 8½"How Firefighters Help Protect Us and How We Can Prevent FiresThis half colorsheet helps children to realize that firefighters may look scary in their uniforms, but they are friendly and there to help you in an emergency. Also...

506F: Firepup® Program Sticker

506F: Firepup® Program Sticker

Sticker Measures: 1¾" x 1¾"Kids Love Stickers!This full-color sticker of Firepup® is a great way for kids, adults, and departments to show their support of the Firepup® program and their local fire department. Each sticker contains a special fire safety message...

601F: Official Fire Safety Manual (4-6)

601F: Official Fire Safety Manual (4-6)

Fire Safety Manual Measures: 11" x 8½"For Ages 4-6This bilingual (Eng/Spanish) manual captures children's attention with easy-to-understand concepts, large pictures and numbers to color and discuss. Firepup® and his friends present fire and burn prevention and life...